Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem

Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem is a fundamental bridge between continuous-time signals (often called “analog signals”) and discrete-time signals (often called “digital signals”). It establishes a sufficient condition for a sample rate that permits a discrete sequence of samples to capture all the information from a continuous-time signal of finite bandwidth.

In order to reconstruct a signal, sample at a rate greater than twice it’s highest frequency component


Similar to one-dimensional discrete-time signals, images can also suffer from aliasing if the sampling resolution, or pixel density, is inadequate. For example, a digital photograph of a striped shirt with high frequencies (in other words, the distance between the stripes is small), can cause aliasing of the shirt when it is sampled by the camera’s image sensor. The aliasing appears as a moiré pattern. The “solution” to higher sampling in the spatial domain for this case would be to move closer to the shirt, use a higher resolution sensor, or to optically blur the image before acquiring it with the sensor.


MIT: Nyquist plot and Nyquist Stability Theorem in OC

In control theory and stability theory, the Nyquist stability criterion, is a graphical technique for determining the stability of a dynamical system. Because it only looks at the Nyquist plot of the open loop systems, it can be applied without explicitly computing the poles and zeros of either the closed-loop or open-loop system (although the number of each type of right-half-plane singularities must be known). As a result, it can be applied to systems defined by non-rational functions, such as systems with delays. In contrast to Bode plots, it can handle transfer functions with right half-plane singularities. In addition, there is a natural generalization to more complex systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, such as control systems for airplanes.
